Junior Tennis

Last year we launched a new era of junior tennis at MTC for all players aged 6 and over.
We offer significantly reduced subscriptions for primary and secondary school players, combined with the opportunity to take part in regular after-school coaching on a user-pays basis, with a built-in development pathway for juniors wanting to take the sport further.
The programme is available only to junior members of Masterton Tennis Centre, so make sure you sign up here for the special Primary ($40) or Secondary ($55) membership deal: https://clubspark.kiwi/mastertontenniscentre/Membership/Join
Junior Tennis Coaching:
Coaching will be provided at MTC in Term 1 by Red Clay Tennis from the week beginning Monday 5 February 2024.
Most groups are already full for this term, but email jacob@premiertennis.co.nz or admin@redclaytennis.co.nz to see what can be arranged.
If you have any other questions about Junior Tennis, please contact Louise Gibson on 027 441 1233 or email her at: gibson.j.louise@gmail.com