
Milford Tennis Club is a keen participant in the Summer and Winter Interclub competitions organised by Tennis Northern and the North Shore Ladies Assoc

1. Seniors

You can play in as many of the competitions as you wish - cost is $55 per team to cover the cost of balls and team entry (so if you play in 3 competitions, cost is $165).
The options for Summer 2024/25 are:

  • Mixed Doubles (Saturday afternoons fortnightly)
  • Mens Singles (Monday or Tuesday eve - depending on grade - fortnightly)
  • Womens Singles (Wednes eve - fortnightly)
  • Mens or Womens Doubles (Thursday eve fortnightly)
  • Midweek Ladies Doubles (Monday or Tuesday morning weekly)

If you do not want to commit to a team, but would like to play occasionally, we have lists of reserves. If you want to play as often as possible, there will be opportunities to reserve for other teams on the alternate fortnight.

2. Juniors

10 and under - Sunday morning
12 and under - Saturday
15 and under - Saturday
18 and under - Friday afternoon
All Premier Grades - Sunday

For the age grade competition, you must still be the stated maximum age on 30 April 2025 to qualify for that grade. For example, 10U must still be 10 or younger on 30 April 2025.
Premier grades are ability, not age based.

If you want to discuss or need more information, please don't hesitate to ring or email:
Lloyd Pinder (Club Captain)  021993871   or
Catherine Woodward               0273270868