Welcome to another summer season of fun, coaching and competition at Pakuranga Tennis Club. 

We have been providing tennis facilities to the surrounding community since January 1922 and in that time the club has grown from 26 members to its current membership of close to 450.  This membership reflects the character of our community and our club has a wide range of ages and ethnicities.  We hope you feel at home at our club and that this will be the start of a lifetime of tennis.

This short information sheet sets out what we have an offer this season.  Please take the time to read it to make sure you get full value from our club for you and your children.


There are membership forms in the clubhouse.  If they have run out just ask and we will get some more for you.

They can also be found on the club website.

5-11 years - juniors

12-18 years - intermediates

Membership entitles your children to use the courts right up to 31st August 2025.

Access Keys  

A parent who is a member or Associate Member can get a key allowing them and their children access to the clubhouse and the night lights.


Group Sessions - term 4 2024 and term 1 2025

5-11 year olds - Saturday morning group coaching

12-18 year olds - Thursday evening intermediates night


Private coaching
In addition, it is possible to get private coaching lessons for your children.



Registrations for interclub will be open soon. The club enters about 12 interclub teams into the pre and post-Christmas competitions. 

Interclub is played in teams of 4 boys or 4 girls and the teams are ranked according to age and ability.

Competition takes place on Saturdays from 8.30am until about 11.30am or on Sundays from 9.00am until about 11.30am.  You can choose which day you prefer to play. The club also offers interclub for beginners on Saturdays from 12.30pm.

Interclub is a great way to improve tennis ability and once your child has learnt the basics in the Saturday group sessions then you should seriously consider entering her or him in an interclub team.

We depend on parent help to transport the children to their venues, to help organise the team and to provide support and encouragement for all children involved.

A parent or caregiver must be present at all times.  We encourage parents/caregivers to assist with managing their child’s team.

Our Junior Convenor is Michelle Savusa (021 351 132). 

Please contact Michelle if you think your child would be interested in playing interclub.

Court Usage

Junior members are entitled to use the courts at any time when there is not organised tennis.  However, after 6pm senior players get preference and if the courts are full, junior players may be asked to sit off to allow senior players onto the courts.   Some or all courts are likely to be unavailable for casual play as follows:

  • Tuesday mornings (midweek ladies interclub)
  • Tuesday evenings from 6.00pm (senior social play, all courts)
  • Wednesday afternoon until 4.00pm (veterans social play)
  • Thursday mornings (midweek ladies social play)
  • Thursday afternoons from 5.30pm until 6.30pm (match play night)
  • All day Saturday until 5.00pm September to April (junior coaching, and junior then senior interclub, all courts)
  • Sunday mornings from 10.00am in the winter only (senior interclub)
  • Sunday afternoons from 1.30pm until 4.30pm (senior social play, all courts)

From time-to-time tournaments and other events will take place so please check our newsletter for details.

Visit our ClubSpark page to book a court: https://clubspark.kiwi/PakurangaTennisClub

Administration Staff:
President - Jenny Richardson – 021 027 34905
Junior Convenor - Michelle Savusa - 021 351 132
Administrator - Cherie Liu – 09 534 1038 or email: paktennis@xtra.co.nz 

Should you have any concerns or would like more information then please contact one of the above.

Office Hours:
Summer (October-March):
                   Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday - 12.30pm to 3.00pm                  
                   Saturday - 9.00am to 11.00am
Winter (April-September): Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday - 12:30pm to 3.00pm
The office may be open at other times, but we will endeavour to always have it open for the hours given above.


Please refer to our regular Club Newsletter which will keep you updated on dates, times etc and general happenings around the club.  If, for any reason, you are not receiving this newsletter please email the administrator as it is important to keep informed as to what is happening at the club.

Have a great season, and welcome to our Club!



Junior Interclub begins in October. Registrations will be open soon.
The first half of the season starts October 2024 and the second half is from February 2025.

When you request to join a team, you make a commitment to play for the entire October – April season so please make a note on the form if you are available to play for only part of the season.

A family member/caregiver must be available to stay with their child when playing Interclub and may be requested to assist to look after the team, balls & handbook on a rostered basis.

Interclub Days/Times:

Saturdays 8:30am – Open Grades
Saturdays 12:30pm – Beginner Grades
Sundays 9:00am – Beginner, Open and Premier Grade


The following Grades are available and some age grades may be combined due to team entry numbers.

Premier Grade – Boys & Girls

Played Sunday mornings – players graded S8 and above (at the date of Team Entry)

Open Grades – Boys & Girls

Saturday mornings – 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 and under

Sunday mornings – 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 and under

Beginner Grades – Boys & Girls

Players who have played in two or more Beginner Competitions previously aren’t eligible to play in these grades again.

Saturday afternoons – 13, 12, 11, 10 and under

Sunday mornings – Due to smaller numbers these are often combined.

The coaches and junior convenor will select teams after registrations close and email the team lists, draws and coaching information in early October.

Tennis Auckland aims to publish draws on Match Hub around mid-October.

If you have questions please contact me directly via email; nix_michelle@xtra.co.nz , or phone, 021 351 132.

Michelle Savusa - Junior Convenor, Pakuranga Tennis Club

021 351 132
