When Wanaka moves to "Orange" Traffic Light status under the COVID-19 Protection Framework on December 3rd, the club will only be able to conduct social tennis events and tournaments by requiring Vaccination Certificates.
The management committee therefore confirms it's proposed policy which was previously outlined to members:
- From December 3rd only fully vaccinated people may enter the clubrooms and changing rooms and participate in social tennis and tournaments.
- Players under 12 or those with a medical exemption will not be impacted by this policy.
- If you do not have a vaccine certificate, you can still organise to play casual tennis but will not have access to the clubrooms or changing rooms.
- Please ensure you scan in on entry and wear a mask if you are entering the clubrooms. Masks can be removed when eating and drinking.
- All players and guests wishing to play organised social tennis, participate in tournaments or enter the clubrooms should be prepared to provide proof of their vaccination if requested by a committee member or coach.
This policy will continue to be actively reviewed in light of any further changes to levels or guidance provided by the Ministry of Health/Government.
As members will appreciate these are difficult times for any club to negotiate and as a committee we are attempting to be fair to all members by acting in the best interests of the majority of club members who area vaccinated.
Like many businesses and clubs, "policing" such a policy is obviously problematic and we continue to appreciate the integrity, patience and understanding of all our members.
Wanaka Tennis Club