Interclub Team Information and Links

Uniforms: White Beckenham Tennis Club tee and any black shorts/skirt/skort. Orders for the tees have been placed with our supplier. 


Entering Results from matches: 

These need to be entered by the end of the day Monday after the matches - at the latest.

Team Results Capture Login

Instructions - YouTube Video (start at 1min 28seconds) which starts from the capture results login page linked above.

(The video is from Tennis Central Wellington but is still applicable from this starting point)


Junior Interclub Draws: 


Friday ScheduleFriday Interclub Team Draw

Open Girls' Teams - Maroon and Purple.

Play start time is 4.30 pm.


Saturday ScheduleSaturday Interclub Team Draw

For the following teams play starts at 8.30 am.

U10 Mixed (Orange) Division 2 and U12 Boys (Black) Division 2 

For the following teams play starts at 10.30 am.

U14 Boys Div 2 (Grey) and U14 Girls Div 1 (Yellow) and Div 2 (Aqua)

Open Boys Div 1 (Blue) and Div 3 (Red) 

Open Girls Div 1 (Green) and Div 3 (Pink)


Junior Interclub Rules: TCRI Junior Interclub Rule Book

Wet weather notification:

Junior Handbook: Junior Interclub Handbook


Dates of Play:


Play starts Term 4: Friday 18th of October and Saturday 19th October

No play Labour Weekend or Canterbury Anniversary Weekend

Play finishes Term 4: Friday 13th December and Saturday 14th December



Play starts Term 1: Friday 7th February and Saturday 8th February
Play finishes Term 1: Friday 21st March and Saturday the 22nd March

Back-up weekend: Friday 28th/Saturday 29th March