How to find us
Marlborough Tennis Club
POLLARD PARK - Parker Street
The Forrest Winery Tennis Centre
Mayfield, Blenheim
New Zealand
New lights are being installed Wednesday February 26 and will take about 3 weeks. While this work is taking place it will be business as usual.
Welcome to Marlborough Tennis Club. We are here for young and old with the best facilities in the region. We pride ourselves on being a friendly, social club. Situated at the west end of Pollard Park, we have 16 high-quality courts (five with flood lights), easy car parking, a substantial clubroom, and great core membership.
We have been in existence for nearly 150 years and our mission statement directs us to provide an environment that nurtures social and competitive tennis for all ages and abilities. We are keen on new memberships and if you want to get in touch with us, our email address is at
Please be respectful of other members, and of course, have fun!
No work today because of the rain
All are welcome to join. Members and non members very welcome. Equipment available for use. 3:00pm to 5:00pm and $2 for Non Members
Thanks Forrest Wines Facebook @MarlboroughTC Coaching with Inspire Check out pro-rata rates and family concessions in |
Website links work best when using Google Chrome internet browser
***For the Safety and Security of all users of the site CCTV cameras are in use***
(NOTE; Members and all those using the site as participants or observers are required to follow the Policies set by Tennis New Zealand and adopted by this Club. The information can be read by following the 'More' then the 'About Tabs' and then click on MTC Policies.)
Bennett Cup Win against Nelson
7 days ago
Latest Newsletter about Bill Ritchie and a light project update
about a month ago
Tuesday Social Tennis Christmas Lunch
2 months ago
View the online booking sheet to find your preferred booking slot.
Select your preferred available time and book. You can pay online with most major credit cards. Register online the first time you book.
We'll send you confirmation of your booking. You'll receive a pin number to access the venue. It's easy!
Marlborough Tennis Club
POLLARD PARK - Parker Street
The Forrest Winery Tennis Centre
Mayfield, Blenheim
New Zealand