21 years and going strong!
Love the afro husband and bell bottoms - Linda McGovern
Best hair goes to the mullet king Andrew Josefson
“Plate final” hair goes to Michelle Hartley great technique!
Blake turned up in outfit from 3 days ago. Disqualified. (Mine wasn’t much better but I am only 18.)
Best speech - Gerald Greig wise uplifting words. Don’t forget the four Fs...
Who doesn’t love a bit of “sandstorm” by the beach? Leisa Hart of course. Next time we’ll note it down properly mr DJ
Best meal choice -Ian Moore for getting the ribs! Wohoo!!! Elena Konstantinova how was the pasta it looked impossible did you defeat it!?
Hard to add anything to Jonny Lim's journalistic efforts... Coach Blow's "punk" look complete with original Doc Martins should be commended along with McCashin's wearing the same same clothes that they worn in the photos aged 21!! Good times.
Well done Papamoa! Zzzz