Becoming a member
Talavera currently has around 100 members of all ages and stages - we welcome new members.
Membership runs for a year, from 1 October to 30 September the following year. We do not offer casual or part-year membership but this is offered at some other Wellington clubs, including the Renouf Tennis Centre and Thorndon Club.
A discounted rate applies to new members, and renewed subscriptions paid before 15 October.
The membership fee includes the affiliation fee. This is the amount we have to pay to the national tennis body for each member. It is $63.20 for each adult member, $57.84 for juniors 12-18 and $29.79 for juniors under 12.
If you are a member of another club and would like to join Talavera as well, let us know so we can ensure you only pay your affilation fee through one club.
Talavera Tennis Club’s committee has issued Terms and Conditions of Membership that must be observed and obeyed by members of the Club.
Making the most of your membership
Our two courts are available from 7am-9.30pm (with lights) every day.
Once registered, you can book courts online and join in other activities, including:
- regular senior club sessions: Tuesday evenings and Saturdays (details on the Contact us page)
- occasional junior/family sessions - notified by email
- coaching through Darren and his team from Cyperus Tennis + Fitness
- Interclub competition (additional fee).
Affiliated Tennis Club - Renouf Membership
As a member of Talavera Tennis Club, you are also eligible for a special Free Renouf Centre Membership, which means you get special court hire rates at Renouf Tennis Centre. Find out more by scrolling to the bottom of this page on the Tennis Central website: Renouf Tennis Centre Membership
2024/25 subscriptions - confirmed at the AGM 22/09/2024
Membership | New members (and early bird price for members renewing by 15 October) | Annual membership* |
Senior | $225 | $250 |
Couple | $360 | $400 |
Family | $475 | $500 |
Junior 12-18 yrs | $140 | $150 |
Tertiary student (with ID) | $150 | $170 |
Junior under 12 | $80 | $85 |
Senior, paying affiliation fees at another club | $165 | $165 |
Junior 12-18 yrs, paying affiliation fees at another club | $85 | $85 |
Junior under 12 yrs, paying affiliation fees at another club | $50 | $50 |
*For anyone joining fom 1 May 2025, the full membership is discounted 50% due to it being winter.
Couples Membership 2024/25
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Couple's membership
Eligibility: For couples living at the same address. All members renew annually, from 1 October. This is a discounted rate for new members (full rate $400).
Up to 2 members
Family Membership 2024/25
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Family membership
Eligibility: 2 adults and 2+ children (17 years and under). Include DoB for all children so we pay the correct affiliation fees. Only register children who are likely to play. This is a discounted rate for new members (full rate $500).
Junior 12-18 affiliated elsewhere 2024/25
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Junior member of another club (where the affiliation fee is paid)
Eligibility: Email to tell us the club you are a member of and pay the affiliation fee through.
Junior 12-18 years 2024/25
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Junior Membership 12-18 years
Eligibility: Aged 12-18 as at 30/4/2025. Please include date of birth in registration, so we pay the correct affiliation fee. This is a discounted rate for new members.
Junior U12 affiliated elsewhere 2024/25
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Junior Members affiliated at other clubs. Please provide the name of the club you are already a member of and pay affiliation fees to.
Eligibility: Children aged 11 or under as at 30 April 2025.
Junior U12 member 2024/25
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Junior members aged 11 and under
Eligibility: Children aged 11 or under as at 30 April 2025. Please include date of birth in registration, so we pay the correct affiliation fee. This is a discounted rate for new members.
Senior member affiliated elsewhere 2024/25
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Adult members affiliated at other clubs.
Eligibility: Please let us know which club you are already a member of, and pay your affiliation fees to.
Senior Membership 2024/25
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Adult club membership
Eligibility: Individual members 18 years old and over. All members renew annually, from 1 October. This is a discounted rate for new members.
Tertiary student 2024/25
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Tertiary student up to 25 years - with student ID. This is a discounted rate for new members.
Eligibility: Student ID