Junior Interclub Rules

Hotshots Orange Grade - NEW GRADE 

  • Matches will all be played at Wallace park in Palmerston North.
  • Players can be aged between 7-10
  • Games will start at 8.30am -9.45am
  • 3/4 court with special marker lines placed out to shorten the length of the tennis court, first serve over arm with second serve being a bounce feed.
  • Scoring will be up to 4 games using traditional scoring except all deuces will be sudden death. 
  • Teams of 4
  • Players will have singles and doubles matches each week 
  • 8.30am start.

**IMPORTANT** Order of play for all junior interclub teams.
Players within your team should be ranked according to their S grade ranking points. This order must remain consistent throughout the season, with the highest-ranked player occupying the No.1 position, the second-highest in No.2, and so on.  Green dot eams must play in order of merit.

Hotshots Green Grade

  • Green Ball Division - Ages between 7-11 only 
  • This grade will be mixed gender 
  • This grade is part of the Hotshots development and is the last stage before players move into yellow ball. Low compression green dot balls will be used for this stage. 
  • Full court games with both serves being over arm
  • Matches will be played up to 7 games with normal scoring (15,30,40,deuce & advantage) 
  • In order to get the rallies going, first year players are able to do a bounce underarm serve but must land in the correct box on the second serve.  This will apply to first year players only.  
  • Teams of 4 
  • Players will have singles and doubles matches each week 
  • 8.30am start 


Challengers Grade

  • This division is for S11 & S12 Ranked players. If you have new players to interclub who are older than 11, this grade would be a perfect starting point.
  • This grade will have a Boy’s and a Mixed Division
  • Best of 3 short sets to 4 games (must win by 2 games or more, tiebreaker at 4-4) Super-tie breaker to 10 points for 3rd set, must win by 2 points. Same scoring for Doubles.
  • Teams of 4 
  • Players will have singles and doubles matches each week
  • 8.30am start 

Futures Grade

  • This division is for lower ranked S10 players and high ranked S11 players 
  • This division will be a mixed division
  • Matches are best of three sets to 4 games, with third set been super tie breaker
  • Players will have singles and doubles matches each week
  • 10.30am start 


Premier Juniors Grade 

  • This division is for players ranked  S9 or high ranked S10 players .
  • This division is mixed.
  • Teams of 2.
  • Highly ranked girls (S7 or S8) could play in the boys grade if required by clubs 
  • Singles matches are best of three sets to 6 with third set being a super tie break to 10 points.  
  • Doubles matches are best of three sets to 4 with third set being a super tie break to 10 points.
  • Players will have singles and doubles matches each week
  • 10.30am start