From: Sven van Touw <>
Date: Friday, 16 June 2023 at 9:25 AM
Subject: Core Tennis - Newsletter and special tournament invite
As most of you are getting used to by now, it's time to enrol for the free match practice / tournament again! It is held next Sunday, June 25th at the Waihi Tennis Club.
This one will be different from previous ones. Better. More fun. More food. And some surprises. That's what collaborating with an event planner does. Curious? Please see the attached newsletter and tournament invite from the Waihi TC for more information.
The enrolment deadline is Friday, June 23rd. Click this link for juniors and this link for seniors to enrol. Anybody of the five participating clubs is welcome, but full is full. Prizes for the ones who are currently coaching with us.
Programme: Link to programme is here
9AM: Junior warming-up
10.30AM: Parent-child activity
12PM: Bodin vs Sven; coach battle
1PM: Senior tournament start
Also in the newsletter: Link to Newsletter
- Progress squads
- Holiday programme- FlexiTennis
- Babolat sponsorship
- Enrolment term 3
See you there!
020 42 42 411