This Sunday 19th November - we have our Working Bee 1st, then our prize-giving and pics (and some kai) and then some tennis - juniors and seniors together hopefully . . . more food and maybe some drinkies . . .
It'll look something like this:
- 9.00am the working bee will commence, this will run for two hours maximum
- At 11.00am we will have our prize-giving and some kai (please bring a plate of food to share), we will also have some fish and chips for the juniors
- At just after midday we will organise tennis games for everyone, mixing senior and junior members
We anticipate things petering out over the afternoon and people leaving as they wish
So . . . brushes, brooms, cleaning & fencing equipment early, food and drink at midday, followed by a bit of fun on court.
We look forward to receiving your ongoing support.
Ngā mihi nui
Craig McFarlane