
Social Leagues

We have four social double leagues run at the club.

Monday Night Doubles

Monday night league starts at 7.15 pm and is for players who are not available to play every week. It is aimed at players of intermediate or better ability. The draw is made up on Monday based on the list of available players and their placing on a computerised grading list. A consistent player base of 16 or so players turn up every week. There is even the occasional game of singles for those who want to play.

For more information contact Alex Bass at

Wednesday Night Doubles

Wednesday Night Tennis is a doubles format open to all members. The night starts at 7pm and is played during the school term.

We cater for players of all ability and games are arranged weekly.

The League can accommodate 28 to 36 players over Winter and 28 to 44 players over Summer.

For more information contact Kais Alsamaraie,

Saturday Afternoon Doubles - Intermediate

This Saturday session is suitable for Intermediate players that can commit to regular play each Saturday.  Players should commit as much as possible to be there for the entire 1:00-3:00pm session.  The afternoon is hosted by Tinie & Simon (04-5698560), .    

This doubles league is mixed and operates for players at intermediate level and above, who play a consistent game of tennis. Games and format are adapted to the number of players that attend .  At the end, weather permitting, a social get-together takes place on the deck in the form of refreshments/nibbles.

Saturday Afternoon Doubles - Competitive

The 2nd Saturday league  runs from 3pm - 5:00pm is for ex interclub players who want to play competitive doubles matches. Player combinations are re-organised each week and allocated to a court for 2 hour time slots. There is a social gathering and sausage sizzle at the end of these matches on the deck.

Contact Mark Cullen  ( for more information.

Midweek mornings

Midweek club play is available on Tuesday mornings from 9.30 am. The matches are organised on the day and are played in a friendly non-competitive atmosphere. All matches are doubles.

Midweek tennis is available on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am in the Hutt Valley. These games are currently  held at Petone. There is an additional charge for playing in this but it is not run by LHTC.   Please email Jackie if you want your name forwarded to the organiser.   

The Midweek club runs all year except for the Christmas/New Year holidays. 

Contact Jackie Clarke,  for more information.