Upper Clubroom Renovation

Following on from the recent installation of new windows, the Projects Committee is excited to move forward with Stage 2 of our plans to renovate the upper clubhouse. This involves renovation of the kitchen and bar refurbishment which we aim to complete during the winter of 2025, so that the works are completed before the start of the following season. Longer term, the plan is to have the upper clubrooms fully renovated for our 100 year celebration in 2028. More information about the project is outlined below.
We need your support!!
Our goal is to raise $50,000 to ensure success of this next phase of the renovation project. Please consider assisting us to achieve this by adding a donation to the renovation fund when you renew your club membership this season.
Alternatively, if you would like to provide a separate donation or support in any other way, contact:
- Louise Morris (Fundraising & Grants Lead): 021 0255 3996 or morrisfive@xtra.co.nz
- Sam Wrightson (Projects Lead): 021 299 9559 or sam.wrightson5@gmail.com
- Wendy Mountfort (Club Manager): 027 479 4329 or manager@mairangibaytennis.co.nz
More Information About the Upper Clubroom Project
Renovating the upper clubrooms has been raised as a priority by the club committee as this area has not been updated for several decades and requires a refresh. The project involves four stages which will be completed over the next few years.
Stage 1 of the project was completed in June 2024 and involved the replacement of the three large east facing windows as well as some other windows in the bathrooms and kitchen.
Stage 2: will involve renovating the kitchen and bar areas including gutting the current areas, reconfiguring the entrances, replace appliances, repaint and lighting (to be completed in winter 2025).
Stage 3: will involve renovating the remaining upper clubroom area including replacing lighting, flooring, painting. We will also look into installing storage and shelving (to be completed in winter 2026).
Stage 4: finally we will furnish the upper clubroom area including installation of a new honours board (2028 onwards), furniture for the new lounge areas, artwork/framed photos for the walls, and look into replacing the tables and other furniture (completion 2027 earliest depending on funds).