
Election of Officers

Our Commitee is elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in July each year.
Composition: The Committee consists of the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, Senior Club Captain, Junior Club Captain, and up to 4 other persons elected at the AGM. 

Current Committee Members

Based on the AGM held on 26 July 2024, the following officers and non-members positions were appointed for the 2024/25 Season.

•    President: Peter Reid
•    Vice President: Alex Thompson
•    Treasurer: Wayne Bryant (assisted by Rajesh Megchiani)
•    Secretary: Adam Courtier
•    Senior Club Captain: Chris Whatman (assisted by Peter Reid)
•    Junior Club Captain: Fiona MacDonald (assisted by Chris Whatman)    
•    Infrastructure Organiser: Damon Ireland
•    Committee Member: Cathy Atkins

Non-Committee positions
•    Junior Hits Organiser: Bevan Lynch
•    Midweek Organiser: Lynn Hunt (non-member)

Congratulations to all new committee members for the new season and thank you to our outgoing committee members Bevan, Christo, Jo and Rajat for their hard work.

Role of Committee Members

Based on the Birkenhead Tennis Club Inc. Constitution, below are the roles of Committee members but will regularly do much more!

Role of President: The President will engage in activities agreed with the Committee which may include activities to promote the Club, good relations and communications between Members and the reputation and best interests of the Club, and to preside at Club events.

Role of Secretary: The Secretary will:

  • attend to all correspondence and keep minutes of General Meetings and Committee meetings and ensure that any subcommittee keeps minutes;
  • and keep all records and generally perform all the secretarial work of the Club.

With the written approval of the Committee these tasks may be varied or delegated but the Secretary remains responsible for their performance.

Role of Treasurer: The Treasurer will: 

  • receive all money paid to or received by the Club and pay all accounts approved by the Committee. The Committee may delegate levels of payment to the Treasurer by written authority;
  • invest all funds of the Club in the manner directed by the Committee;
  • keep the Club’s financial accounts, submit appropriate financial statements at the AGM and undertake other tasks required by the Committee;
  • Maintain the membership payments using the club database;
  • and invest all funds of the Club in the manner directed by the Committee.

Role of Senior Club Captain: The Senior Club Captain will oversee the running of club competition for senior members. This will include (but is not limited to):

  • Interclub, club days, club championships, other tournaments.

Role of Junior Club Captain: The Junior Club Captain will oversee the running of club competition for junior members. This will include (but is not limited to):

  • Interclub, club days, club championships, other tournaments.

Role of Midweek representative: The Midweek representative is responsible for liaising with the committee on all matters relating to the Midweek section of the club. The representative or their delegated helper are responsible for the collection of fees from non-members playing. This fee is reviewed and set annually at the AGM.


If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know - we'd love to have more people involved in the running of the club for the benefit of our members.