Club Toolkit

Helpful Resources for Clubs

More resources available on Tennis NZ's Club Toolkit page including Coach Recruitment resources.

Safe Tennis Guidelines

National Police Vetting Service / Tennis Participant Protection Policy / Tennis Code of Conduct / Member Protection Declaration Form

Tennis NZ's Portal (for communications to all clubs)

What is the Portal?

Register to use the Portal  (It is advisable to have more than one ‘portal administrator’ at each club)

Log in to the new Portal  and update your current officer contact information, AND your current coaches.

Clubs need to update this information regularly through the year.



Club Thrive Incentive Programme - Apply by 23 June 2024  (extended from 31 May 2024).

Provides financial incentive to clubs who implement initiatives that will directly impact a club’s membership numbers in a positive way. CLUB THRIVE INCENTIVE PROGRAMME

Tennis Central Member Definition Guidelines - useful for clubs when completing their Club Returns to determine membership.

Wellington & Kapi Mana Levy-Contra Procedure - Renouf Tennis Centre - how to use and book your club Levy-Contra at the Wellington Renouf Tennis Centre

Join the National Club President's Group - to connect, communicate together, share ideas and support each other.

Renouf Tennis Centre - Conditions of Hire - useful policy for clubs when setting up ClubSpark

2024/25 Affiliation and Interclub Fees - useful for club budgeting purposes when setting annual fees.

Tennis Club Strategic Plan Template Document - useful for strategic planning

Central LED Lighting Blog for Clubs to share information around installation of LED lighting at clubs. 

Central LED shared register of status and suppliers

Club Constitution example (kindly provided by Karori United)

Club Self-Assessment Matrix can be used ‘as a guide’ to see how your club is tracking. Clubs can start with baby steps (considering a few items only) and build capability over the long term, to create a truly extraordinary tennis club!

Health & Safety Checklist for Clubs (Draft)

Member Retention tools

Tennis NZ Media, comms, volunteer planning template




Peter McArthur, Kilbirnie Tennis Club "Measuring Churn"   /  SLIDES
Erin Rush, Harcourts Wellington City "Looking after customers"   /   SLIDES
Seth Campbell, Karori United Tennis Club   "Engaging members"  /   SLIDES
Activities on and off the court Workshop Brainstorm of ideas for your club

Community First Aid Courses - Nuku Ora

Club Capability information and Links regarding Charities Act. IRD Tax Exemption, Worksafe for Volunteers, Constitution 'winding up' clauses

Wooden court benches availalbe for purchase TUI WOODWORKS

Value of Affiliation to clubs

Tennis Central 

Tennis New Zealand

Disscusion Document - Tennis Licence Affiliation Model (Draft)

ClubSpark Support

NZ Zendesk 

UK Zendesk

Importing adult members

Importing junior members

Funding Guides:

The Art of Funding Presentation - Tim Shannahan

Sport Wellington applying for Funding Guide

Find out Gaming Trusts near you - Department of Internal Affairs

Further Tennis Central Policies and Reports

Tennis Central Governance documents including Constitution and Annual Reports