Looking for a venue?
At St Heliers Tennis Club you can hire all or just some of our wonderful facilities. With indoor and outdoor socialising spaces, kitchen facilities and a meeting space, we can cater for all your individual requirements.
Private Clubroom Events
- $100 per hour ($80 for members)
- 85 people maximum capacity
- Fully equiped bar and kitchen.
Celebrating a milestone? For social events, where alcohol is being served, we require:
- $100 bond, refundable after the event and providing the venue is returned to it original state.
- A paid supervisor for the entire event and bar staff provided by St Heliers Tennis Club.
- All alcohol to be stored behind the bar and guests to provide ID on request
Alcohol requests for all functions, meetings, regular hire, and events are subject to the management committees approval and additional bonds and charges may apply.
Kids Birthday Parties
- $280 for up to 15 children.
- 1 hour on court with coaches playing a variety of games and tennis related activities. All rackets and balls are provided. Parents/caregivers can decorate the clubroom during this time.
- 1 hour use of the clubhouse and lawn area for food and other games that you are free to provide.
Please note: large groups can be accomodated at an additional cost.
For Kids Birthday Parties with Tennis Coaching contact Rachel rachclark8@gmail.com
For all other events contact Alex events.sthelierstennis@gmail.com