Coaching for Adults

Starting in Term 3 (mid-July), we bring the following coaching options:


1. Midweek Drills:

Wednesdays 9am - aimed at advanced players with 1200+ Tennis New Zealand Match Hub ranking points.

Wednesday 10am - aimed at intermediate to advanced players who compete in interclub.

Wednesday 11am - aimed at improver to intermediate players who are capable of holding a rally but have limited match or interclub practice.

Sessions are by pre booking only, a maximum of 6 people per class. 


2. Tennis Xpress:

The best place to start learning tennis! This course is for beginners and improvers to learn from the basics. The course is built around the approach of 'play based' coaching to quickly get everyone confident at holding a rally, serving and scoring. A fun, exciting and new way to get involved in this wonderful sport.

Courses: Mondays 7pm to 8pm, Fridays 9am to 10am and Saturdays 11am to noon. 


3. Private group coaching for up to 4 players:

($80 per hour for members, plus $10 per non-member, if any):

Share a lesson with your friend, doubles partner or interclub team to:

  • Learn together in a fun environment where you can practice team work and doubles formations.
  • Get your heart pumping with Blair's fast paced energetic lesson style.
  • Enhance your tactics and technique while practicing real time in a realistic game setting.