
Australian Tennis Tour – June 2024

News article provided by a parent on the tour.

Pete Stenberg took a group of 8 kids to play in 3 Tournaments in Brisbane at the end of June and beginning of July. The 1st tournament “Churchie” gives the kids a chance to ease themselves into the Australian way of life. It is a lower key tournament but of a very high standard. Alongside “The Churchie” was the Queensland Open. The 2nd tournament was the Rod Laver Lead-in and the Rafa. The third was the Rod Laver Queensland which is the biggest of the three and the one to play in. The kids in our group were from different parts of the country, Wellington, Auckland and Brazil and of course Coach Pete’s favorites Daniel Jones, Noah Jones and Nelson. The latter two keep him on his toes, not that Pete needs to be kept on his toes but I think he has met his match Noah and Nelson . We can’t forget the awesome Fannin girls, Louie, Lala, Lily and Leia, they are so loved and we are all so proud of them.

Pete rented a house in Woollongaba a suburb in Brisbane. His experience of touring for approximately 30 years is evident, he is highly efficient and organized. The kids wake up at 5.45 every morning, make their own breakfast of cereal, fruit and toast. They make their own packed lunch with a minimum of 3 healthy rolls with ham and salad, fruit and muesli bars to keep them energized during the day. They leave the house at about 6.45 to be on the courts for 7 to have a good solid warm-up for 45 minutes before the matches start. Once home after a long day, they shower, eat a very delicious home cooked meal and in bed at 7.30, no complaints. The routine is precise for the two weeks. By the end of week two the kids were still thriving and not winding each other up too much. This is amazing as the ages ranged from 9 - 17, they got on well, lots of laughing and not too many tears. On these tours sleep is fundamental, Pete is very strict about eating well and going to sleep early, it paid off. We had 4 birthdays on Tour and these too were very significantly celebrated. A big thanks to Pippy and Rafe Fannin for just organizing mattresses, crockpots and just being their wonderful selves. Also, to Willy Trolove who was one of the parents that helped out and was very good at entertaining the kids with his random card game “spoons”.


The Churchie

U12 Winner - Noah Jones

Runner Up - Jack Trolove (Welllington)


U14 Runner Up - Carter Wright (Auckland)


The Queensland Open

Tier 5 Runner Up - Daniel Jones


The Rafa and Rod Laver Lead-in

Lily Fannin and Noah Jones made the main draw for the Rafa event which is an amazing achievement as you are competing against some of the best kids in Australia. Well done Lily and Noah, keep striving. Great Effort.

Under 12 Girls Runner Up - Lily Fannin


The Rod Laver Lead-in

Tier 2 - Nelson Freeman Runner-up


The Rod Laver Queensland

Tier 2, 3rd Place - Noah Jones

Tier 3, 3rd Place - Nelson Freeman


The Anne Huddleston Award for Sportsmanship and Fairplay

This award is given to two players, one boy and one girl out of +/-600 kids. It is a collective of information from tournament officials, organizers, parents and players. The award is presented at the end of the Rod Laver Queensland. This year it was awarded to Nelson Freeman, this is a huge achievement for Nelson especially as he really has to work with his emotions, focus and pressure. Coach Pete was very proud. Great work Nelson keep it up.


A huge thank-you to all the parents that let their kids travel to Australia, to better their tennis, enhance their friendships and mainly to grow as individuals. The biggest thank-you goes to Coach Pete Stenberg for masterminding this trip, behind every crew is a great leader and Pete is a fantastic leader. He has no airs and graces but strives to encourage in his own “Pete Kind of Way” to advance his students to the best of their ability. Thank-you Peter, I know you are very proud of what yours kids achieved, thank you for believing in them and your tireless efforts, you are amazing and are a piece of gold. Thank-you.


The Crew


Noah Jones, Churchie Winner


Nelson Freeman with the Anne Huddleston Sportsmanship and Fair Play Award



Daniel Jones, Runner Up - Tier 5 Queensland Open



Lily Fannin, Runner Up Rafa Lead In



CCoach Pete and Nelson Freeman with the Sportsmanship Award



Just passing time



Just another day at the courts



Girls having fun



Card time