Welcome to Browns Bay Racquets Club
Visitors / Non-Members are very welcome. Non Members can book and pay for a court online via the booking system in ClubSpark. All courts must be pre-booked via this system. A PIN number will be given which is ‘live’ 15 minutes before your booking. Tennis Courts 1-5 enter via the keypad on the gate to the right of the building. Tennis Courts 6-8 via the keypad on the gate to the left of the building. Squash courts enter via the keypad at the front door of the building.
Office Hours – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – 9am – 12 noon & Friday 3pm – 6pm.
Address: 4 Woodlands Crescent, Browns Bay 0630.
Club Manager: Phil Briars, 09 4786469 bbrcmanager@bbrc.org.nz
President: Dave Davies, president.bbrc.nz@gmail.com
VP-Squash: Sireen Collins, vp.squash.bbrc.nz@gmail.com
VP-Tennis: Steve Quirke, vp.tennis.bbrc.nz@gmail.com
Squash Ladies Captain: Fiona Cooper, ladies-captain@squash.bbrc.nz
Squash Men's Captain: Duncan Gibbons, mens-squash-captain@bbrc.nz
Tennis Captain (Women): Zena Foyster, ladiescaptain.bbrc.nz@gmail.com
Tennis Captain (Men): Jonathan Diffenthal, mens-tennis-captain@bbrc.nz
Where to find us
Browns Bay Racquets Club
Freyberg Park 4 Woodlands Crescent Browns Bay Auckland New Zealand 0630