Social Wednesday's 9-11am
Members meet at 9am for social games. It’s a great opportunity to meet fellow members of the club and to practise during fun matches. After the tennis you can join the players for a well-deserved coffee and biscuit afterwards. Note this is open to all abilities, just turn up.
Peter's Sunday Social 2-4pm
Peter's Sunday Social Tennis named after recently passed Life Member, Peter Weir who ran this for over 10 years. The games last for 20 minutes and when the bell rings you swap players. This enables you to play with a variety of players and again all levels are welcome. Please contact Hasan Bhally for further information hbhally@yahoo.com
Tuts Tourney Business House - Thursday evenings from 7pm
Named in honour of the late Thuten Kesang, life member, who used to run this Thursday Night Business House competition. Members are placed in teams of 6 players, and you play 2 matches each week and play all teams in the competition. If you have missed the current term you are welcome to have your named added as a reserve while you wait for the start of the next term. You are more than welcome to come down to watch some of the games and meet some of the players. It is competitive but also fun and social – it’s a great way to meet other members over a few drinks. (Please note there is an small additional fee to play in this competition). Link To TutsTourney Webapp.
To register for the next term please email Warren Davey warrendavey@yahoo.com
Monday Night Men's Club Night 7-9pm
More competitive than social tennis (but not interclub). Please contact Dave Davies for further information dave.davies1@gmail.com
Junior Club Nights - Friday 4-6pm
Junior Club Nights are run every Friday during the term time - this is open to all players under 18 years old and of all levels, as a guide:
4-5pm caters for Red, Orange, Green Hot Shot players
5-6pm caters for Silver and Gold
Competitive Tennis
During the summer interclub there are a variety of competitions that you may wish to enter:
Mid-week ladies play on a Monday and Tuesday during the day.
There are week night competitions for singles and doubles. At the weekend there are mixed competitions played on alternative Saturdays.
The season runs from approx. October to April and our club captains will be sending out entry form during July/August
Even over the winter there are winter interclub competitions running.
During the year we shall be running a variety of tournaments as well as social events – so keep reading the newsletters for more details.
Please contact the Club Captains for further information and how to resgiter.