Open Court Sessions

This series of four Open Court sessions is targeting 16 to 24 year olds and is supported by Tennis NZ. Open Court Sessions involves the use of tailored equipment, activities which encourage maximum participation, and for the competitive ones; fun flexible scoring formats!

This is a trial event with the aim of making it a regular event throughout the year. Numbers are limited as we will be offering refreshments and need to mange court space so everyone can fully participate and enjoy themselves. 

Very much a social format, with hosts there to guide you through your activities. 

9 Aug

Open Court Session

Thinking about getting (back) into tennis? Worried you'll never be able to hit like your mate, that's been playing tennis since they were five!? Don't have a decent racquet or tennis gear? How do you even book a court or find someone to play with? HANG ON - WE'VE SOLVED IT FOR YOU!!! All these obstacles, and anything else that has ever stopped you, no longer exist. Open Court Sessions are the new, fun and easy way to play tennis. And they come with snacks!

  • 7pm - 8:30pm
  • Fri, 09 Aug 2024