
Senior Interclub this Summer - entries by 4th August


Would you like to play social or competitive tennis as part of a Ngataringa team this summer? There are so many options available! We welcome new players of all abilities and availabilities. It's a fun way to improve your game and meet your wider tennis community!

* You can join as a fully rostered player or a reserve. 
* Matches usually alternate between home and away games (North Shore clubs only). 
* Season starts mid-Sep/mid-Oct till March/April with a break over the summer school holidays.

☀️  NORTH SHORE LADIES DAY TENNIS: register by Monday 15th July by emailing Raewyn at
MONDAY MORNINGS: Mixed Doubles social grade and Women's Doubles C grade, 2 matches @9.30am;
TUESDAY MORNINGS Women's Doubles : Premier, A & B grades, 2 matches @9.30am.

☀️ TENNIS NORTHERN COMPETITION: register by Sunday 4th August by emailing Lisa at 
All the below are played fortnightly.
MONDAY or TUESDAY NIGHTS Men's Singles: 1 singles, 1 doubles, @6pm;
WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY NIGHTS Men's Doubles: 2 matches, @6.30pm; 
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Women's Singles: 1 singles & 1 doubles @6pm;
THURSDAY NIGHTS Women's Doubles: 2 matches @6.30pm;
FRIDAY NIGHTS Doubles/Mixed Doubles: 2 matches (1 same gender doubles & 1 mixed doubles) @6.30pm;
SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Doubles/Mixed Doubles: 2 matches (1 same gender doubles & 1 mixed doubles) @1pm;
SATURDAY AFTERNOONS Women's/Men's Doubles: 2 matches @3.30pm.

☀️ TENNIS NORTHERN SINGLES: register online (Women Singles & Men Singles) by 29th September (comp 1: 14 Oct-9 Dec) and 26th January (comp 2: 10 Feb-24 March). One singles match played weekly at a mutually agreed day/time/venue.