Business House

Omokoroa Tennis Club is looking at hosting a business house competition which if we can get enough teams together will start in late Feb maybe early March. We are planning for this to replace our Wednesday GOATs sessions. 

This is open to anyone interested in playing so please help get the word out to your friends and family and ensure you enter quickly to avoid missing out.   

You can enter as a team or an individual and we will endeavour to slot you into a team. You don’t need to be available every week, but we do need commitment from all players to make themselves available for most of the games for this to be a success. There will be a per team fee to enter to cover ball costs etc. 

The game format is 4 players per team on the evening, each round/two matches of doubles played to 9 games, if 8 all, a tie break will be played to decide. Result will be published to our club website weekly. 

Please email if you are interested with your team’s name, team members names and contact phone numbers or just your name and contact number if you are entering as an individual.

We are very excited to be hosting our first business house competition.