Business House League

Winter 2024
Our Business House League is a winter doubles competition held at Edgar Centre on Tuesday nights and is a fun way to keep your game sharp over the off season. Players may register as individuals to be placed in a team, or enter as a team of at least 2 men and 2 women. Teams are encouraged to seek a business naming sponsor.
Please note: the competition fee does not cover Edgar Centre entry charges
Provisional Competition Dates:
Tuesday 7th May to Tuesday 18th June
2 week break for University Holidays (25th June, 2nd July)
Tuesday 9th July to Tuesday 3rd September
Time: 8pm – 9:40pm
Cost: $160 per team
Tennis Balls: Tennis Otago provide the tennis balls for this event.
Score Cards: Will be provided to Captains on the day
Defaults: It is the responsibility of team captains to ensure that they have a full team on game day. Any issues should be communicated with both TO and the captain of the opposing team
Format: Matches will be timed that is a rolling set format. Each tie will consist of four matches (1 mens doubles, 1 womens doubles and 2 mixed doubles). Mens/Womens Doubles are to be played first. After 45 minutes (at the sound of the buzzer) teams will switch over to mixed doubles round which will also last 45 minutes.
Points Table: A points table will be kept throughout the competition and published on the Tennis Otago Facebook page each Thursday. For each match won, teams will be awarded 1 point. A bonus point is added for teams that win the tie each week. In the result of a draw (2 matches each), a countback of points in all matches will determine the winner which will be awarded the bonus point.
Draw: Round 8 - 9th of July, 2024