1. What happens if I can't play on one of the nights?

If you are unable to find your own substitute for the night email waihopaitennis@gmail.com for a list of potential substitutes that you can contact to see if they can play for you.

2. How does the scoring work for the overall winners?

Each night a team will play 4 x 30min games. 2 points are allocated for each of those games you win so you can earn a maximum of 8 points if your team win all 4 of your games. 1 point is allocated to each team if a game is a draw. 0 points are earned for each game lost.

3.  What happens if my team defaults?

If for some reason your team is unable to play on one of the nights then the team you would have played will receive the full 8 points for the night.

4. What happens at the end of the season?

The last night will be a social game  of tennis with prize giving  afterwards in the Waihopai Bowls Club, 

5. How do I find out if the game is cancelled for one of the nights?

An email will be sent to the team captains advising the game will be cancelled, the captains can then let the rest of the team know. A post will also be added to our facebook page and  a notice will be posted on our website. No teams will earn points that night and the draw will be carried over to the next week.