Gameplay Rules

Rules for Craigs Investment Partners Twilight Tennis

  • 4 games are played in total starting from 6pm and finishing at 8pm.
  • Each game will go for a timed period of 30 mins maximum
  • The 4 games will be played in the following combinations: 1 x Men's Doubles (MD), 1 x Women's Doubles (WD), and 2 x Mixed Doubles (XD1 & XD2) - the order of these games will be determined between you and your opponent on the night.
  • Normal doubles tennis rules apply when it comes to serving and determining if the ball is out or in.
  • Deuce: We play a short Deuce to ensure the games can be completed in a timely manner. A short deuce means if a game lands on 40-40 the team that wins the next point also wins that game.
  • When playing Mixed Double, each gender always serves to the same gender on the final short deuce point.
  • Match winner is the team that wins the most games during that 30min period
  • If you haven’t completed your final game when the time whistle blows then the team that is ahead is considered the winner of that game.