Winter Box Leagues

Each winter, Kilbirnie Tennis Club runs winter singles and doubles competitions between club members. These competitions are called Kilbirnie Winter Box Leagues.

Competitors are grouped into singles or doubles box leagues of up to eight players/teams with similar ability. In each league, competitors will compete against all others in the league through a series of round-robin matches. 

Tournament Information


Kilbirnie Tennis Club.


Matches will be scheduled every second Saturday between June and September but competitors can arrange alternative dates as may be acceptable to both parties.

Matches will be scheduled from 10:30am but competitors can arrange alternative times to suit.

Club members will be emailed details of the competition a few weeks before the start including:

  • Start date of the competitions
  • Date competitions are open for entries (registration)
  • Entry deadline
  • Withdrawal deadline


  • Mens Singles
  • Womens Singles
  • Mens Doubles
  • Mens Doubles

Who can enter

All senior club members and juniors who play in senior interclub competitions or junior A-Grade interclub competitions. 

How to register

Register online at Tournament Software around the beginning of June each year. Search for Kilbirnie Winter Box League under tournaments and enter the tournament.

If you haven't used Tournament Software before, you will need to create a Tournament Software account for yourself (and each of your children). See How to Register for Club Champs . You will be able to use your account to enter other tournaments in New Zealand in the future.

For doubles competitions, state the name of your doubles partner or select partner wanted to have one chosen for you. Your partner will also need to register and select you as their partner to confirm the partnership (if you haven't selected partner wanted). When entering your partner, just enter their first name and surname. There is no need to enter your partner’s member Id.


There is no entry fee but competitors must supply one new ball for each match.

Cans of balls (at discounted prices) will be available for purchase from the club at the start of the competition.


The draw for the competition will be emailed to competitors a few days before the first round. The draw will list match dates and times, courts, competitors and their contact phone numbers, and competition end date.

The draw will also be published online in Match Hub. The link to the draw will be sent by email to the competitors.

Competition Format

  • Each competition will consist of a series of rounds. In each round, each competitor/team will play one singles/doubles match against another competitor/team in their league.
  • Each match will be scheduled every second  Saturday. Competitors may arrange an alternative date/time if the scheduled date/time does not suit or if wet weather expected. Matches must be completed before the end date of the competition (as published in Draw).
  • No shows (arrival more than 5 minutes after the scheduled start of a match) will count as a default loss unless prior arrangements made.
  • Competitors should attempt to resolve disputes themselves but may refer them to the organisers if unresolved. The organisers will apply summer interclub rules as to resolve any dispute.
  • One point will be awarded for each win. Match winners to record the results online (instructions will be provided).
  • Each match is expected to take about 1 hour.
  • The first 10 minutes of each match may be used for warm-up.
  • Matches will be played according to the rules below. The organisers reserve the right to vary the rules to ensure matches do not take too long or to make a better competition.
  • Winners of each match will enter the results on-line.

Match Format

  • A match is won when a player/team wins two sets.
  • Standard sets apply for the first two sets - a set is won if a player/team reaches 6 or 7 games with a 2-game lead.
  • A set tie-break takes place if the game score is 6-6.
  • The set tie break is won by the first player/team to win 7 or more points with a margin of two points.
  • The third set will be a match tie-break (also called super tie-break) if the set score is 1-1. This will be won by the first player to win 10 or more points with a margin of two points.
  • Standard deuces (no sudden death points).
  • Normal let rules.

Wet Weather

If wet weather is expected for a scheduled matche, competitors can arrange alternative dates and times to complete their matches.

Match Hub

Winners of each match will enter the results into Match-Hub. The results will update the National singles and/or doubles rankings of the competitors. A Match Hub record will be created if a competitor does not have one.


Remember to bring your own water bottle and snacks.


Competition winners and runners-up will receive certificates and will be posted on the honours page of the club website.


Email tournament organisers.