Coach Profile

Papamoa Tennis Club - Club Coach - Peter Blow
Phone / Txt: 021 797 295
Peter is a vastly experienced coach who has won numerous awards and accolades through a highly decorated career. His enthusiasm for tennis today is as contagous as when he began his coaching journey. Let Peter ingnite your love for tennis today.
Peter is a very personable coach with a keen sense of humour. His lessons are focussed on LEARNING and FUN.
Peter's extensive list of coaching achievements include:
- 1991- Started coaching full time, coached at several clubs, Pukekohe Tennis Centre, Papakura, Manurewa, Clevedon, Thames, Pukekohe east, Sunnyside, Hunua, Manukau Tennis Centre (Auckland squad Coach).
- 1993-96 Coached Thames Valley and Counties representative squads. Coached Waikato/Manukau teams event teams. Coached Western Bay squads in Rotorua.
- 1995- Head coach Papatoetoe Tennis Club.
- 1995- Coached and played a season in Germany.
- 1997- Head Pro - Manukau Tennis Centre. Organised Auckland tennis squads based at Manukau. Wrote coaching plans for assistant coaches. Ran the Pro shop. Administered the Tennis Centre for Auckland Tennis. Sold the business 2008.
- 1995- Auckland Teams event Coach Have won eight national teams events gold medals. Coached over 20 national champions 12’s, 14’s, 16’s and 18’s Singles and Doubles.
- 2000- Travelling coach for TNZ. Taking 12’s, 14’s,16’s and 18’s national teams. Won three Australian national teams titles.
- Three times World Junior Tennis NZ team coach. Gained selection to the world group in Czech Republic.
- 2009 both WJT and Junior Fed Cup coach. Played 8 years of Caro Bowl (Nz’s premier competition) National Masters Champion 2006, 2007, 2008.
- 2003- National Selector for 12’s and 14’s age group.
- 2006 changed to national Girls selector for all age groups. Currently still one of 3 National girls selectors.
- 2003-2008 Presented Coach education to Level 0-2 coaches for Tennis New Zealand. Twice received Prime ministers scholarships.
- 2003 spent a month with the national coaching program in Melbourne Australia.
- 2006 Travelled to Bollitierri Tennis Academy in Florida for 2 weeks.
- 2007 Started the Auckland High Performance Tennis Academy at the Blockhouse Bay Tennis Club.
- 2008 moved the tennis Academy to Scabro Tennis Park in Auckland.
- 2009 Changed the Academy name to Complete Tennis Inc. Placed 12 Players in Full Scholarships in United States Universities.
- 2014 WBOP Coach of the Year & "Regional High Performance Coach of the Year"