Pompallier Lawn Tennis Club Covid Protection Framework Policy - Updated April 4th 2022

From 11:59pm on 4 April 2022, vaccine passes will no longer be needed to get into shops and venues, and most vaccine mandates will cease.

While PLTC has operated with limited restrictions on our unvaccinated members,  from midnight on 4 April, ALL members will have full access regardless of their vaccination status.

 We will monitor the restrictions for maximum indoor limitsbut expect this to have limited impact.  Please note, our coaching partners may have their own policies.  

We will also be removing scanning codes.  Mask wearing is not a requirement.

 For everyone coming to the club please be mindful of your fellow members and: 

- get booster shots
- stay home if you are feeling sick 
- continue to wash and sanitise your hands 

- be mindful and considerate to others

Here is a link to the actions the Ministry of Health recommends continue to be followed: 



December 20th 2021

A brief message  from our President Shane Vuletich and Vice President Craig Squire

Dear Members,

You will be aware of the government’s move to the traffic light system for the management of the Covid 19 pandemic. Beyond the simple legal requirements, in formulating the club’s policy response to the new Covid 19 management requirements, we have considered a range of third party advice, members wishes, implementation requirements, health and safety requirements and club values, etc. Linked below is the policy the club has resolved to adopt from Monday December 20th 2021 and a letter of support from Tennis New Zealand.

We would like to thank the committee for their input into the creation of the policy. We consider the policy strikes the right balance between protecting the health and safety of our members while striving to remain true to mercy values set out in our Constitution.

Shane and Craig

Pompallier Lawn Tennis Club Covid Protection Framework Policy

Letter of Support from Tennis NZ Ceo Julie Paterson