Interclub Update from Tennis Auckland
Tennis Auckland's view is that Level 3, Step 2 is not conducive to Interclub play. The gathering limits applying to each venue, Club House closure, and border restrictions are unworkable for Interclub. We are also mindful that starting any Competitions before Christmas may result in us running Interclub under two systems - the current Alert Level and new Traffic Light framework, which is impractical (particularly with the vaccine mandates that may come with the Traffic Light system). Therefore, we have made the decision to CANCEL ALL PRE-XMAS INTERCLUB PLAY. The Competitions affected are:
- Pre-Xmas Junior Interclub - CANCELLED. (Post-Xmas Junior Interclub is scheduled to start 12 February 2022)
- Midweek Lead-in Interclub - CANCELLED. (Summer Midweek Interclub is scheduled to start 14 February 2022)
- Senior Interclub - POSTPONED. A short-format Competition is scheduled to start 12 February 2022
- Twilight Interclub - POSTPONED. A short-format Competition is likely to run over February and March 2022
We hope that by February of next year, the proposed Traffic Light system will be in place and we will have a clear framework on how we can run the above Competitions safely. This also gives Sporting Bodies and Clubs more time to prepare and implement vaccination policies, so that all participants know what is required for Interclub.