
Au Revoir Philippe, 14th June 7.30pm


We are sad that Philippe, who has been with us since 2019, will be leaving Tennis Plus much earlier than all of us (Philippe included) had anticipated. 

Rheumatism and tennis coaching is a painful and unsustainable combination, especially given Auckland's damp winters. We fully understand and support Philippe's health requirements and his move to the hot pools of Rotorua! We are hopeful Philippe will still be visiting us occasionally (just like Lucien!) and helping us with our tennis events from time to time. 

Philippe will continue coaching till the end of this term, with the handover to Senior Coach Patoia on Monday 15th July. From then on, the talented and ever popular "Pato" will be taking over as Head Coach, with Gilles, Rixt and Trudie providing support. Please join us in congratulating Patoia on his new position! 

Please click here for further details about your Tennis Plus coaching team (with Patoia, Cathy, Annie, Gage and Keahi bringing renewed energy on-court)!

Meanwhile, please stop by the courts to wish Philippe well in his new adventures and join us to say FAREWELL to Philippe on FRIDAY 14th JUNE from 7.30PM onwards (straight after our Junior Prizegiving) upstairs in the clubhouse. Drinks and nibbles provided by Tennis Plus.

The Club is collecting donations towards a leaving gift for Philippe. Please feel free to participate if you so wish (bank account: 12-3015-0493497-00, please include "Philippe" and your surname as reference).


Photo by Sarah-Barton Hills Art and Photography.