Winter Tennis

The TKHP coaching team offers a comprehensive group coaching programme to suit ALL JUNIORS of ALL ABILITIES

The 2024 Winter programme runs for 16 weeks.  (in case of rain cancellations, catch up week/s are factored in per term to guarantee 8 sessions per term). 

The programme does NOT RUN in the school holidays. (8-19 July 2024)

Term 2:

8 weeks from Monday 29 april 2024 – Friday 22 June 2024. 

Catch up weeks if needed is 25 June  - 5 July.

Coaching will take place on  Monday 5 June and Friday 28 June (Kings Birthday & Matariki)  so that players enrolled in Monday & Friday squads are not disadvantaged. 

Term 3:

8 weeks  from Monday  22 July 2024 – Friday  13 September 2024.

Catch up weeks if needed are 16 - 27 September.


Rain/inclement weather procedure:

If it is raining or the courts are too wet to play on:

-The lesson will be called off and there will be an extra lesson in the “catch up weeks” .

- OR an  indoor training alternative (fitness and/or video analysis) will be planned.

-All the wet-weather updates will be posted on the TKHP FACEBOOK PAGE: a minimum of 30 minutes before the lesson is due to start. 

You can also see these FB updates on our website homepage:  so you don't need to have a FB account.



The prices for the various coaching options below are for Te Kura Hagley Park (TKHP) members.

Non-members are required to pay a winter junior membership fee of $70.00.




Tennis Hot Shots (THS) is specifically designed to give young juniors the best possible foundations to enjoy and succeed in tennis in the years to come. It's aimed at juniors with limited or no full-court match experience.

The reduced speed, bounce-height and court length is more manageable, which assists the development of correct technique and tactics.

The general guide for choosing the THS colour is:

Red (5-7 yrs), Orange (7-9 yrs), Green (9+). However, prior experience and developmental readiness will determine what the ideal colour is. If in doubt, the coach will estimate the appropriate level to begin with, and then adjust groups during the programme if necessary.


HOT SHOTS Red : 45 min sessions, 3:45 – 4:30pm on Friday @ TKHP Hagley Park.

(We may be able to offer other days, please email the coach if your children are keen but not able to attend Fridays)

Whole Winter: 16 weeks, 1 session per week $200.00,  2 family members $360

One term only : 8 weeks, 1 session per week $120.00 , 2 family members $190


HOT SHOTS Orange  & Green: 60 min sessions  3:45 – 4:45pm on Friday @ TKHP Hagley Park.

(We may be able to offer other days, please email the coach if your children are keen but not able to attend Fridays)

Whole Winter: 16 weeks, 1 session per week $240.00,  2 family members $440

One term only : 8 weeks, 1 session per week $140.00  2 family members $240


TKHP Emerging Squads.

This programme is an opportunity for juniors to build on the progress they have made over the Summer.  They will fine tune their technique and their tactical sense to get a head start on their competitors next Summer.

Entry level Emerging Squad players are generally 9 yrs or older, have completed a season of Hot Shots Green so they are ready for full-court, yellow ball tennis.

Advanced Emerging Squads will have interclub experience, and are aiming to play a higher level next season. Strong interclub players who cannot fit 90 min tournament squad sessions into their winter schedule will also be catered for in advanced Emerging Squads.

60 minute sessions:  

Start times will be between 3:30pm and 5:00pm   on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday @ TKHP Hagley Park.  

(Days and times are subject to compatibility with each player's schedule).

Whole Winter: 16 weeks, 1 session per week $240.00, 2 family members $440

One term only : 8 weeks, 1 session per week $140.00, 2 family members $240


TKHP Tournament Squads.

I encourage all juniors  competing (or aiming to)  in regional tournaments, to enrol in a Tournament Squad. The comprehensive 90 minute sessions will be challenging and rewarding. Coaching will cover advanced technique, tactics, physical fitness and the mental game.

90 minute sessions:   

Start times will be between 4:30pm and  5:30pm on Monday and Tuesday @ TKHP Hagley Park.

Whole Winter: 16 weeks, 1 session per week $350.00, 2 family members $630

One term only : 8 weeks, 1 session per week $190.00 , 2 family members $350



-Contact: Hugo Strang, Head Coach, Te Kura Hagley Park Tennis Club.  Email

-Please indicate the coaching option and preferred day(s): If you are able to provide a number of possible days and times, then it is much easier for me to find you the best possible group.

-Provide the following info; Junior's name, birthdate, parent's mobile number and email address.

-If you were not a member of TKHP this Summer, please also provide some details of playing level in terms of interclub age group/division in 2023-24 or any previous coaching eg Hot Shots Red. Or specify if your child is just starting.

-Once you have registered and received a reply with confirmation, please make payment into the following account to secure your child's place. All prices are GST inclusive.

Hugo Strang Tennis Coaching.

03 – 0830 – 0672906 – 00 (This is NOT the TKHP Club Account)

If you are joining the Club for Winter coaching, please pay $70.00 to this account:

TKHP Tennis Club                            03 - 0802 - 0119353 - 00

Please note:

For payments over $250 it is possible to pay in instalments between May 1 and June 30 to relieve financial pressure. Please let me know if this is your preferred option.

There are no refunds. However, players who miss lessons due to unforeseen circumstances (injury or illness) can arrange with me to catch up by attending other sessions, but you need to inform me prior to lessons taking place.