Participant Protection, Code of Conduct, Police Vetting


Tennis NZ Participant Protection Policy

Waikato Tennis (Trust) aligns with Tennis NZ and have adopted their Tennis Participant Protection Policy which includes child protection. The TNZPPP is a thorough document to protect the health, safety and well-being of those who participate in the activities of Tennis NZ, Tennis Regions, Tennis Associations, Affiliates and member Clubs. It is important that all entities are aware of this policy, its purpose and their procedural obligations relating to this policy.

Tennis NZ Code of Conduct

Waikato Tennis (Trust) aligns with and have adopted Tennis NZ's code of conduct policy. The TNZCC is based on the principle that the best tennis is a product of concentration, discipline and enjoyment.

Tennis NZ Police Vetting Policy

Waikato Tennis (Trust) is the governing body for affiliated tennis and member Clubs in the Waikato and Thames Valley Regions, and is an ‘approved agency’ by the New Zealand Police. This entitles Waikato Tennis to request a Police vetting check to be carried out on any individual (with their consent) associated with Waikato Tennis and its activities under the guidelines outlined in Tennis NZ's Police Vetting Policy. To contribute to a safe and secure tennis environment, Waikato Tennis requires all coaches who currently operate at the Waikato Tennis Centre, it's staff along with travelling team coaches or managers who have sole or joint responsibility for children to undergo a Police vetting check every three years.  Waikato Tennis can offer it's member Clubs and Associations Police vetting checks at a fee of $30+ GST. 

Vetting Service Request & Consent Form

Vetting Check Applications:  Steve Buckmaster,


Tennis NZ Facilities Guidelines

Tennis NZ Roles & Responsibilities Review