Junior Interclub

Registrations for 2024/25 Pre-Xmas Interclub are now CLOSED.
Pre-Xmas teams will be announced by 30 September 2024 along with your Term 4 coaching session times.
Post-Xmas 24/25 Interclub Registration
Missed the start of season registration? While Pre-Xmas registration is now closed, you can register for Post-Xmas Interclub (season runs during Term 1, 2025).
To register for Post-Xmas Interclub, please complete our online registration form here: NTC Jr Interclub Registration Form
Post-Xmas Interclub Registrations close Sunday, 8 December 2024.
Your team will be advised to you by 31 December 2024.
If you registered for interclub at the start of the FY24/25 season, you are automatically registered into the Post-Xmas season.
Jr Interclub Dates 24/25 Season
The 2024/25 Junior Interclub season is as follows:
Pre-Xmas Season: Friday 18 October - Sunday 8 December (registrations now closed)
Post-Xmas Season: Friday 14 February - Sunday 30 March (registrations are open)
All teams are entered automatically into the post-Christmas competition by Tennis Northern unless you notify us by 8 December 2024 that you are unable to play in the post-xmas season.
General Interclub Information
Are you a Junior tennis player aged 9-18 years old and do you want to play weekly matches in a team competition this summer? It's a great way to improve your tennis and match play and we encourage you to give it a go, even if you have never played interclub before.
If you're not sure, or are keen to register, please email our Junior Convenor with any questions, or have a chat to your tennis coaches. We are here to help you get started.
Ngataringa Tennis Club is affiliated to Tennis Northern Region (TNR) who are responsible for the organisation and management of the junior interclub tennis competition in North Auckland. Junior players are put into teams based on their age. Weekly rounds, either played at home or away at other clubs around North Auckland depending on the draw.
Note: To play interclub you must be a fully paid up member of Ngataringa Tennis Club and have paid the small additional Junior Interclub Fee (FY24/25 fee $15). Both Fees are payable through the Membership page of this website.
Age Groups
- 10 & under (Mixed grade)
- 12 & under
- 15 & under
- 18 & under
- Premier League (11+, based on ability rather than age)
Teams are made up of a minimum of 4 players and Premier grade teams made up of a minimum of 2 players.
The Age Group that a junior can play in is based on their age as at 30th April 2025. For example, if a player turns 13 years old on or before 30th April 2025, he/she cannot play in the 12 and under grade.
At Ngataringa we do not hold trials for teams, but instead form teams based on skill assessment undertaken by our coaches.
Interclub Schedule
10 & under - play Sundays 8.30am -11am
12 & under - play Saturdays 8am -10am
15 & under - play Saturdays 10.30am-12.30pm or 1pm-3pm
18 & under - play Fridays 5pm-7pm
Premiers - play Sundays 11am -1.30pm
What happens in Interclub
Each player will play one doubles match and a singles match. For doubles, the number 1 & 2 players and number 3 & 4 players must play together against 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 of the opposition. For singles, the number 1 player of your team will play the number 1 player of the opposing side, and so forth.
For the 2024/25 season, the rules have changed for all age groups with the exception of 16-18U.
10U, 12U and 15U age groups now all play the best of 2 sets (to 4) with a super tiebreak 3rd set if required. There is also now the introduction of a sudden death 2nd deuce. All changes will be integrated into your interclub team coaching sessions to help all juniors understand the new rules.