Adults Tennis Coaching

From beginner to dedicated competitor TENNIS PLUS offer a range of group and private coaching programmes to sharpen your technique and have a whole lot of fun at the same time. Focused small group sessions that’ll really improve your game, your strategy and your love of this great sport
Contact us at to organise your coaching today or click here for your free group coaching trial TENNIS PLUS, we love tennis!
BEGINNERS PLUS - Tuesdays 6.30-7.30pm
The best session for beginners or those returning to the game, this coaching provides everything you need to get independent and operational on the court in a fun and supportive environment
DEVELOPERS PLUS AKA "Rusty Rackets" - Mondays 9.00-10.00am
Our top choice for players wanting to improve and make their game more effective and enjoyable at any level, socially or competitively
ATTACXX MAXX AKA "Attackers & Defenders" - Tuesdays 7.30–9pm & Fridays 9-10.30am
Challenge your doubles game with this high energy points based coaching session where our coaches make an attacking mindset instinctive to your game
COMPETE PLUS AKA "Advanced Adults"- Thursdays 7.30–9pm
Intensive training and game development for competitive players and those seeking the thrill of big hitting and ready to hit the peaks of their game
FIT PLUS AKA "Cardio Tennis" - Thursdays 9–10am & 10-11am
With masses of technique, play, fun and fitness in the one session we will get you moving more than you ever have, taking your game and your tennis fitness to the next level
PRIVATE COACHING - 30-90 minute sessions Monday-Friday 7am till 9pm or Saturday 8am to 1pm
Customised private or small group coaching to help you master the best techniques and strategies for you with our Professional Coaching Team
SPARRING PARTNER - 60-90 minute sessions Monday-Friday 7am till 9pm or Saturday 8am to 1pm
Intensive one on one training for competitive players wanting to hit masses of balls and reinforce the fantastic TENNIS PLUS coaching programme training
STRATEGY & MATCH PLAY mentality development coaching - 60-90 minute sessions Monday-Friday 7am till 9pm or Saturday 8am to 1pm
Excellent on and off court training for players looking to exponentially expand their game capabilities.
Also see our Tennis Trips & Tours page
New sessions opening regularly – ask us for more info or get together a few friends to form your own group!
For maximum benefit all coaching sessions are small group or private coaching with 6 or less per group and are held Monday to Friday in every school term and includes nine to ten weeks of coaching. We also welcome players of any level and stage to join in throughout the term and we provide plenty of age and level appropriate equipment and sessions. Contact Tennis Plus at to organise your coaching today or click here for your free group coaching trial TENNIS PLUS, we love tennis!
Group & Private Coaching Sessions | 60 minutes | 90 minutes |
Group sessions club members (term rate) per session * FROM | $20 | $30 |
Group sessions non-members (term rate) per session * FROM | $30 | $45 | |
Head Coach private coaching (term rate) per session * # FROM | $80 | $120 |
Senior Coach private coaching (term rate) per session * # FROM | $70 | $105 |
Assistant Coach private coaching (term rate) per session * # FROM | $60 | $90 |
* casual players add $5 per session
| # non-members add $10 court hire per hour